Monday, October 6, 2008

Sports Desk....

Well unfortunately the weekend in sports for Michigan fans was extremely disappointing; the Wolverines bombed against Illinois who ended up breaking all sorts of Michigan records like the most points scored at the Big House in some 30 odd years! It seemed like they had a spark at the beginning but quickly defused during the 2nd and 3rd quarters. It wasn't even a fun game to watch and I was pretty bored by halftime and of course I forgot my seat cushion so my butt was falling asleep which is never comfortable on those cold metal bleachers. Thank god the chili was delicious or the whole day would have been ruined! As for the atta boys, I have good news and bad news...I didn't get the chance to go down on the field this game but I did get the okay from Big Dave, (Nick's Dad), to hand a few out the next time I'm down there as long as it's not a super intense game or its after time fact he seems to think the players might enjoy it so now I'm totally pumped and I plan to practice on Nick, and maybe even Lisa until gametime!! As for other Michigan sports, the Lions never cease to amaze their miserable yet stupidly loyal fans by somehow managing to get worse each week. For the fourth game in a row they failed to come within 20 points of the opponent! Seriously, why are people still paying $75.00 to go to these games and then shell out $9.00 a beer when you could just sit at home and spend the $9.00 on a pint of Captain Morgan's to induce a blackout just before the game starts!?!? I don't get it! Thank goodness for Michigan State who won their 5th game in a row against Iowa, (sorry to all my Iowa family!)...those Spartans are doing something right, so Sparty On!!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Feel free to Atta Boy me whenever you want. It'll be no different than any other Friday or Saturday night.