Friday, October 10, 2008

Sexiest women part 2...

Well Lease, I hate to burst your bubble but I found the breastfeeding photo of Mrs. Jolie-Pitt and I must say that this wouldn't crack my top 100 photographs for sexiest woman alive! Maybe it's the fact that I've never experienced the miracle of life through having an infant nursing on my ta-ta (and I'm not here to offend anyone, I think it's a lovely natural event that should be shared ONLY between mother, father, child), or's probably that I'm a cold and heart-less biatch... but honestly people, I don't want to see anyone besides my sister or best friend breastfeeding without a blanket over them...the same goes for you Angelina, even if you are the world's most gorgeous woman!!!

P.S. It is not our goal to alienate all of our mommy readers, we really do love you and we'll probably eat our words in 15 years when we actually have kids!


Lisa said...

eww...yeah you're right. I could have gone without the naked jumbly. I'm not going to lie...breastfeeding freaks me the eff out.

kelsarch said...

so glad to know I'm included... looking forward to those days... or not