Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oasis Week!

Is anyone as excited as I am that it's Oasis concert week here in MI?! Doubtful, but that's ok. I am brimming over with joy that in 6 days and 1 hour I will see Liam, Noel, Gem, Andy, and whoever their new drummer is live in concert at the Palace! The world is my oyster this week and I want to share some of the excitement with you all.

I propose we host our first contest here on dyingtobedivas! Here's how it works: each day this week I will post a lyric to an Oasis song. The first person to correctly guess the name of the tune gets a fantastic prize. The only catch is that you have to actually know me in person or be willing to come to MI and claim your prize, but either way it's still fun! If you are the first person to correctly guess the Oasis tune, you will get a free drink courtesy of me. Yes, I'm feeling very generous. So even if you're not an Oasis fan or haven't even thought about them since your boyfriend put Wonderwall on your 8th grade mix tape, just give it a shot!

We'll start off with an easy one and see how things progress. Ready, GO!

How many special people change?
How many lives are living strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?

Disclaimer: Nick, you can't play unless 24 hours goes by without a response!


Anonymous said...

Champagne supernova... That was an easy one. I will probably suck at the more difficult lyrics but bring it!

Lisa said...

Nice! That was lightening quick! Ok, so now you have to come back to MI and get a drink with me!

That one was just a warm-up...I'll increase the toughness as the week goes on!

awesome said...

Disclaimer: Lisa is currently in debt for about 3 drinks to me. So good luck on collecting those prizes people! ;)

Lisa said...

Is it only 3 drinks?! I was sure you had funded the last year...hmmm if you didn't, then who did???

awesome said...

Most of those drinks were purchased because I'm just a swell guy. So the count stands at 3...for now.