Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oasis Day 3 - Cheater Edition

I was recently made aware of the fact that you can type lyrics into a search engine and magically get the name of the song. So my little contest is just ruined. Seriously though...I have never had a need to do this. Sure I've searched the name of a song and gotten the lyrics, but not vice versa. Kinda seems like you're working backwards to me. But oh well...there really isn't anything in the world I can ask and you can't find on the internets, so let's consider this a contest for who can cheat the fastest. Get your search engines fired up!

All my people right here, right now
D'You Know What I Mean?
All my people right here, right now
D'You Know What I Mean?
All my people right here, right now
D'You Know What I Mean?
Yeah, yeah

Good luck!


awesome said...

Um, without cheating, isn't the title "Do You Know What I Mean?" That actually seems like an easy one, unless I'm DFW.

Lisa said...

You got it!!

But I have no idea what DFW means...I must be living under a huge rock.

awesome said...

Dead F***ing Wrong

Lisa said...

ohhh I'll add that to my texting repetoire