Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In case you haven't heard...

There isn't really anything I can add to the conversation and make it sound intelligent, so I'll just say that I'm happy. I think today I woke up a little less cynical and a little more hopeful. He has a huge weight on his shoulders and I can only hope that he can pull some of it off. Michigan really came through on the props...good news all around. Is it too much to ask that Prop 8 gets rejected too??


The Iron Squirrel said...

It was a bittersweet night for me last night. I was first overwhelmed with relief and joy and then shot down with grief when I saw Prop 8 was passed. I cannot believe I live in a state with such bigotry. It is a sad sad day for me. Thankfully, Obama gives me hope for the future...

Lisa said...

So how did this all go down in Cali?? I'm sure most people assumed that it would be rejected without any problem. California just seems so liberal most of the time, but now this!

awesome said...

It's an evolution in culture, will take some time. 10 years ago, I doubt Prop 1 or 2 would have passed in this state. It's not an end-all be-all in Cali or the rest of the country. Give the new Prez some time and rest of our elected officials, change is a comin...

The Iron Squirrel said...

Well, California is also home to a lot of uneducated people and a lot of mormon people. They voted their little hearts out on this Prop. I rallied as many people as I could to vote no but we ended up losing. Its DEF not over. There is a petition circulating to the Governator to try to reverse it. And the San Diego city attorney's office is already working on a a lawsuit. Its really ridiculous that we even have to do that...