Friday, January 16, 2009

I Facebook Vicariously

Well, it's been a few months since I cold turkey quit the Facebook. I'm sure many of you are wondering how I'm doing out here on my own with no friends. Well, first, thanks for your concern and second, I'm doing well thanks. I will admit that the withdrawal was not easy. I was used to logging in several times a day to read all of your updates and it wasn't an easy habit to break. I had to find other outlets for my mouse hand and in the process have discovered some really entertaining websites and blogs. I will admit that my newfound online habits don't feature nearly as many pregnant belly photos or break-up announcements, but I am fighting through it. Once I got through the always tough first week with zero relapses, I knew I could make this stick. I started filling my mind with important things like should I read Twilight or should I not, should I believe these rumors about Oprah being an ex-crack addict or should I not...instead of worrying about what my best friend from 5th grade was having for dinner. I've really grown through the process.

Now that I've had a few months away from the circus of social networking (and let's face it, the election is over so all the crazies have quieted down, right?), I've found myself reflecting on my past relationship with the Facebook. No, I won't ever go back fully, but I have found a happy medium. See it's easy: I beg my friends for juicy gossip and updates on everyone that I used to view. Some might call it cherry picking, but I think it's kinda perfect. I still know who got knocked up, who broke up, who got engaged (RUPS!! I'm calling you soon...I hope this is still your number), who is getting fat, and who still has terrible taste in music. It's everything I ever wanted to know without having to put myself through the same scrutiny.

Now, I'm not recommending anyone do the same, mostly because then I won't know what's going on, but I'm here to say it can be done. There is life after that I live vicariously.


kelsarch said...

My vote is you should definitely read the Twilight books if you haven't already! I heard you have my copy and was wondering if you liked it...?

Lisa said...

I do have your copy! I hear that it's making the rounds. :) Leigh gave it to me last Friday, but I was finishing up another book. I just finished it last night, so now I'm free for Twilight. I'm just nervous that I will crawl into a hole and won't come out until I finish! But I think tomorrow afternoon I will start.

awesome said...

Just go see the movie. That's what I did.

Anonymous said...

May I present...your new addiction..

Lisa said...

That is horrific. Was this inspired by Benjamin Button??

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure, but it completely ruined my work ethic for the day...probably even the weekend.