Tuesday, January 27, 2009

GTD's have to go!

As we move another day closer to Superbowl Sunday, (and yes I do know who's playing, I watched both playoff games and am rooting for AZ and hot Kurt Warner, amazing how he gets better looking with age and a shave!!) Anyway, most people are firming up their plans for what Superbowl party they'll be attending, what food they'll be bringing, how many beers they'll crush on their foreheads, etc....and I'm no different. I've been asking Nick what he wanted to do for the Superbowl for a couple of weeks now because that's the obsessive kind of planner I am and have thrown out some ideas to friends who I know are in the same boat. Normally I would shy away from hosting a party because Brentwood (our home as it is fondly nicknamed), has been the victim of countless gatherings, late night post-bar dance parties, messes, spills, visits by cops, etc...and I usually, although Lisa helps when she stays over, get the brunt of the clean up duties. So, it is only thanks to 2 recently acquired lovely new flat screen TV's and our new found ability to join the HD revolution that would have me considering hosting such a Superbowl party myself.

Last week a friend of ours invited us to his home for the event and Nick and I had agreed to go, so when I asked him about it today he asked what our plans were again; apparently he forgot about his previous invite, and threw out the invite to Lisa as well. Next he relayed his concern of only having one 37 inch non-HD TV. At this I offered to have them over instead to watch on our new setup and then he asked if we were going to my in laws for the game. Once again, confusion flooded my mind...did he not already invite us once last week, and then again today, and now he's wondering if we're going to the in laws. I restated my invite and then he responded with a "well we've gotten a lot of invites, it'll be a Game Time Decision (GTD)!" It was right about here when I lost it. Let me just order this again for you to avoid confusion:

1. He invited us over
2. We accepted
3. He reconsidered due to the size of TV
4. I offered to have them over instead
5. Suddenly he has invites and will wait until the morning of and what? See how the weather is? Ask the Magic 8 ball? Decide based on however he "feels" when he gets out of bed that morning?

Is it so much to ask that you commit to a plan so my cleaning of the house and preparation of food isn't in vain?!? Honestly, I know there are people out there who love to fly by the seat of their pants but did you ever think about how that affects the people who make the plans in the world? I find myself and Nick, and I include Lisa in this as well because she's basically my sister-wife minus the sexual privileges, constantly doing all the work to make plans for everyone. Every Wednesday/Thursday we start asking what everyone's doing for the weekends, we make the calls, write the texts to make sure everyone knows where to hang out or what's going on and I have just finally realized after playing Jenny Coordinator for 6 years that it is one helluva THANKLESS JOB!! Maybe its just the three of us that wants to get people together and the rest of our friends would be happy not seeing each other regularly, I don't know but the GTD's are really getting on my nerves. It's awfully difficult to make reservations of any kind or get a table big enough to accommodate all the GTD makers when we never know if they're coming or not. LAME LAME LAME!!! Ok, I've ranted enough for one posting, gotta make a GTD about lunch now! :)


Lisa said...

Bravo Leigh, Bravo! I applaud you for calling out the thankless GTD's that we encounter on a weekly basis. This has been going on since we were 19-years-old and it's time to stop. As for the sister-wife comment...am I Nicki or Margene?

Marc said...

who is this guy you speak of?

i can relate to this post. can someone say "up north trip"?

awesome said...

Leigh, you and the sex-less wife do a marvelous job of organizing social gatherings. But it's because you've both done it for so long that we all take it for granted. It's to be expected. Now, where's my sandwhich?!

Lisa said...

lol...sex-less wife. Could this be a glimpse into my future?!

Anonymous said...

sex-less wife hahahaha