Friday, September 26, 2008

Our First Time

Lisa says:
So maybe we should introduce each other
Leigh says:
Lisa says:
Well Leigh what was our inspiration for starting this blog?
Lisa says:
go ahead...take your time
Leigh says:
Well Lisa, thanks for asking, I've long aspired to write the next great novel of our time, you know...really blow people's minds with new perspectives on life and unfortunately right as I was about to articulate my brilliant idea, The Hills came on and damned if I couldn't have one smart thought after contemplating how Heidi keeps her roots so platinum blonde all the time...
Leigh says:
...I mean seriously, she must get those touched up weekly!
Lisa says: Her hair is amazing! There is no way she does her own hair
Leigh says:
The maintenance of being a "Hills" girl must be incredibly taxing!
Lisa says:
I wouldn't even know where to begin...I can barely hold a CHI iron without dropping it let alone apply my own fake eyelashes
Lisa says:
I've also decided to abandon my education, give up my dream of becoming an editor for a literary genius and blog about mundane details of reality's so much more rewarding
Leigh says:
So what do you think we have to offer the world of blogging?
Lisa says:
I think the world of blogging needs to be reclaimed by a couple sassy straight ladies like ourselves. We've let gay men take over the gossip blogs and they've made a killing doing it. I want to party like Perez Hilton and I look way cuter in high heels than he does.
Lisa says:
Although he has lost a ton of weight recently...
Leigh says:
I think today's blogs are missing a dose of reality that we can provide, I mean let's be honest, we're a couple fo normal yet fabulous girls who live and work in the real world. We work 9-5, live on a budget, shop at the mall, and TIVO Project Runway, and we aspire to shop on Rodeo, walk the red carpet and party at GOA every weekend, that's why the title of the blog really gets to the heart of us!
Lisa says:
I agree...while we are dying to be divas, we are also living in the real world and dealing with serious issues. Make no mistake: this blog will cover all the hot topics of the day; from Heidi and Spencer's latest noble deed to how we can solve this country's financial crisis. We'll leave no stone unturned and no subject is off limits. That includes our spectacular love lives.
Lisa says:
Leigh, Mrs. Brandon, are you ready to offer your marital advice to our readers? I think everyone could learn from your experiences.
Leigh says:
Absolutely, these first three months of marriage have given me plenty of material to blog about!!
Leigh says:
And how about you Lease, are you prepared to divulge your hysterical dating experiences? Lord knows you have quite the catalog of stories!

No kidding...I think you could take the readers on a journey from what I like to call "Magic in the Desert 2008" to the present day at Brentwood. I think a youthful perspective on marriage would be riveting.
Lisa says:
Yes the Lord does know that.
Lisa says:
I am fully prepared to divulge my dating experiences and disasters (which are basically the same things when you really look at it)
Leigh says:
My take on relationships and marriage may be riveting but your dating life will have viewers hooked in no time!
Lisa says:
I will of course leave the guilty nameless
We are really coming at it from two different perspectives. You were able to find true love at a young age and maintain a healthy stable relationship...I am the complete opposite
Leigh says:
No doubt we have taken different paths in our love life, but yours is so much more interesting...and entertaining!!
Lisa says:
Yeah, I lay awake at night just thinking about how interesting and entertaining my dating life really is
Lisa says:
I have learned one thing that basically summarizes my dating life: god has an amazing sense of humor...and thankfully so do I
Leigh says:
So, are we ready then?? Ready to impart our life, dating, style, beauty, reality TV, and shameless knowledge of celebrity's "wisdom" to the world??
Lisa says:
I am more than ready! I think we were born to do this and we are just narcissistic enough to make it work!
Leigh says:
Alright then, watch out blogging world, the divas have arrived!

1 comment:

Diva Hubby said...

Seriously, how hammered are the lovely divas in that picture? They are definitely taking a trip to obliteration station.