Thursday, March 12, 2009

Detroit City Council STFU

I have about had it today with the Detroit City Council. I don't live in the city, and never have or will, but I have to hear about these jokers on TV and read about them daily in the local newspapers. They fight so much with each other that I don't think they've accomplished anything since I've been alive. One look at the city and anyone can see that. The past few weeks have brought a flurry of press for this obnoxious bunch. Cobo Hall, where the auto show and various other shows that give out pens and notepads in small goody bags are held, is crumbling bit by bit into the ever-expanding wasteland. This week alone AutoRama was plagued with leaky ceilings and soiled carpet. It's clear that this supposed tourist destination needs a serious remodel. Enter the City Council. Now, honestly I'm not up on all the minute details of the so-called deals that are going on to renovate the hall. All I know is that in a last minute, off the books meeting to stop the city from turning over the hall to a regional authority (read, OUTSIDE and anywhere but Detroit) for renovations caused a shit storm for the council. My favorite council-person (ever since she wore a tiara to a council meeting on her birthday last year), Barbara-Rose Collins was so moved by the moment that she broke out in gospel song and shouted "Onward Christian Soldiers" from the top of her lungs, in the middle of the meeting. And do you know what the other members did? THEY JOINED IN.

Collins and her fellow choir members accused Oakland County Executive, L. Brooks Patterson of wanting to take over their land, just like the European ancestors did so many years ago. Yes, people, you know where this is going, went, whatever. Even though the city can't make a good decision to save its life, we're going to get a history lesson from a grown woman in a tiara.

Kiss the Auto Show goodbye if they let this type of behavior continue. Thousands of jobs will be lost and countless businesses will suffer, yet again, because of the mindset of people like council member Joann Watson:

From the DET NEWS: Council Member Watson said everyone wants the expansion and the jobs they would bring. But she and others said the current deal amounts to a giveaway of an asset that the city's taxpayers had purchased.
"Everyone wants jobs," she said. "We want ownership."

Why don't we start with jobs? Then see if you can handle ownership.

Speaking of jobs or the lack thereof, Jay Leno is one upstanding awesome dude. I'm sure most of you have heard by now that Leno will be doing his stand-up thing at a FREE Palace of Auburn Hills show for anyone in Michigan who is unemployed. Leno has always been a big car guy and this is his way of saying thank you to our depressed auto industry. Parking is free, food and drink is free (out of his pocket and sponsored by Pepsi), and anyone who shows up and says they are unemployed will be given admittance. Now, if that isn't one of the coolest things I've heard in a long time, I don't know what is. So what could be the problem with Jay's thoughtful and gracious offer?? Just leave that to the City Council to figure out.

Councilwoman Martha Reeves would like you to know that the Palace of Auburn Hills is not in the city of Detroit. It's actually in Auburn Hills, which is in Oakland County and should not be confused. Reeves feels that if Leno is coming to this area because of the Detroit Auto Industry, then by god, he should do his show within the city limits. It doesn't matter that he is doing this out of the kindness of his heart (and maybe some publicity), or that ANYONE in Michigan can attend - and yes, Martha, Detroit is still in Michigan, or that people with decency don't look a gift horse in the mouth and ask if it can come back another time to play a smaller venue that has crappy parking and horrible bathroom facilities (Joe Louis Arena I'm talking to you). You say THANK YOU and figure out a way to rent a few buses to get all of the inner-city unemployed people out to the fancy schmancy Auburn Hills area for a night of recession-friendly fun. Tiara's are optional.


awesome said...

BRA-VO! One of, if not THE best blog post to date Lisa. Love it! Should also mention how many automotive related companies reside in Auburn Hills; suppliers, testing/diagnostic centers, etc. Plus, Chrysler headquarters are but a stone's throw from the Palace.

Lisa said...

Thanks Aaron! Yes, exactly about the auto companies. I'd argue that the majority of auto employees don't live in the city anyways. Jay Leno could do some serious monologue ribbing about this situation if he wanted.

Anonymous said...

Looks like im going to see Jay Leno.

Lisa said...

You should go! Maybe he'll be funnier in person.

Daddy said...

I'm very impressed with Leno for doing that. Almost enough to make me hope- against all evidence to the contrary- that his new show won't bomb