Thursday, December 18, 2008

Count Your Blessings

A few years ago I stumbled upon a photo blog of Metro Detroit's homeless population. Sounds horrible right? Well, it is horrible because these poor people are homeless and cold, but it's also kinda fascinating. This isn't some kind of sick and twisted paparazzi fueled's more like giving these people an actual face and name. As anyone who has visited a big city knows, there are homeless people living on the streets. We know they are there and we assume we know WHY they are there, but we really don't care about their stories or their names or what they think about the current state of politics. We walk by or maybe give them a couple bucks or have some innocent drunken chatter with them...sometimes they clean your windshield. So when I found the website The Snowsuit Effort, I was instantly hooked. This local photographer named Ryan started the site in 2004 with the intention of capturing the people that inhabit the streets and alleys of Metro Detroit. It hasn't been updated since February 2007, but for almost three years he took a different person's photo almost every day. Each photo is accompanied by a random quote from the person; topics range from why they are homeless, to what music they are listening to, to how they are the best beat boxer since the Fat Boys.

It's a bit depressing, so if you like to keep it light and fluffy during the holidays, you've been warned. I just think it's a cool site and a solid use of someone's time.


awesome said...

You sent me that link back in the HMP days. Great site! Thanks for sharing once again. Had forgotten about it.

Lisa said...

Oh yeah! You are very welcome again.