Is it Thursday already?? Well, I guess that means we're past due for our weekly hotness. Have you had your coffee this morning? Are you willing to forgive me for what I am about to do? This week's hottie is carrying on the theme from last week; yes, we are giving more love to our female counterparts. As you can probably tell from the picture, and decipher from my shameful typing, this week's hottie is Ms. Britney Spears. More applause, less annoyed groans please! Bear with me: it's Britney's 27th bday week, her album Circus was released on Tuesday, and that "tell-all" documentary about her psychotic behavior is playing over and over on MTV. As I was flipping channels last night, contemplating turning it all off and reading more of Sense and Sensibility, I randomly stumbled upon this docu "Britney: For the Record." I threw Jane Austen aside and spent the next 90 minutes deliriously hanging on every amazing word. The girl just has it so tough. I think I was actually buying into her sob story right until she came out with this gem about her daily routine: "I'm kind of stuck in this place and I'm like, How do you deal? I just cope with it every day....It's bad. I'm sad. It's like Groundhog Day every day. It's really boring..." Oh poor Brit Brit! I really want to call her up and say "Britney, do you know what I did yesterday? Do you know what I'm doing today? Do you know what I'm doing tomorrow?...I'm going to work and then I will come home and eat dinner and then probably spend 90 minutes of my life watching you complain about being a freaking millionaire!"
Yes, I think the paparazzi are enough to drive anyone crazy and I don't wish that upon anyone, but the girl needs to buck up. She probably sees more excitement everyday of her life than most people see in a year. Maybe I'm just bitter because I've never dated international pop icon Justin Timberlake or toured Europe playing to millions of screaming fans, or bought a 10 million dollar house in Malibu. If that's her idea of Groundhog Day, then call Bill Murray and send him to my house.
On the positive side, Britney appears to be turning things around both physically and mentally. Her abs are looking pre-Federline again and her weave is settling in perfectly. I don't think she's been caught barefoot in any gas station restrooms in at least a few months and she stopped wearing those horrid cowboy boots. I'm a sucker for a comeback and for that reason Britney is our hottie of the week! I'm too tuckered out to do the breakdown categories, but I will give her a 20 out of 30. She gets 10 points alone for her recent effort to keep the crazy at bay, and there are 10 more where that came from if she snags JT again. Come on...you know you want it to happen.
i am glad to see you have a big heart!
I do try to give credit where credit is almost due. Watch for next week's hottie: Michael Jackson. :)
i'd hit it.
Jon, no doubt. It takes a lot of money to not give an eff like Britney. If I had money for pink wigs, I'd for sure wear them to Sunoco.
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