So I'm starting to think that the name of our blog should have been something more since we seem to make fun of just about everyone and everything but hey, you can't suppress natural talent! So in the name of not breaking our trend I would like to describe yet another gym pet peeve and while I can really only give it from a girls perspective, since I'm a girl and it's a Women's locker room, I'd really love to hear some guy comments on whether this stuff happens in the boy's locker room.
So as many of you know Lifetime Fitness is a massive fitness/recreation complex that has facilities all over the country. I attend one because it's a really nice gym and they have tons to offer like free classes, a large variety of exercise equipment, a clean environment, nice pools and hot tubs and very nice locker rooms. One major plus about the locker rooms is that they are huge and everyone gets a locker and there are always available showers and towels which are provided by the gym. In between the rows of lockers are these big wooden benches where everyone sets their stuff before putting it in a locker or people sit on them to change or put lotion on, etc... Well just the other day I was minding my own business, jamming to the tunes of Christina Aguilera on my ipod while walking to my usual row of lockers after a long workout when I turned the corner and was suddenly filled with horror. Sitting on the bench, WITHOUT A TOWEL underneath her naked A$$ was a 40ish woman with legs spread wide, picking
something out of her very bushy Vajayjay!!
1. Hygiene: I know you're tired from a long hard workout but it is most definitely NOT OKAY to sit on the benches we ALL have to use without placing a towel underneath your nether regions! Who knows whats on that bench and worse, who knows what she might be leaving on it, eww, I'm cringing just thinking about it!!!
2. You join a gym and you have to expect that you're going to see women walking to and from the shower in their birthday suits which is no big deal! And is, after all, a ladie's only locker room where obviously we all have the same anatomy, (for the most part...some saggier and lower then others); however, I think you could consider the line crossed at sitting on the bench doing a thorough inspection only your gynecologist should perform! I don't need to see where your reddish auburn pubic hair line stops and I definitely don't pay $60 a month to watch you search for lice, crabs or even pirate's gold in your treasure chest!! Leave that for the privacy of your home please!
People just don't get it! There is an etiquette to follow and I pledge to blog on and on about the horrific things I witness at the gym if it saves just one person from having to endure the psychological trauma that I did!
i've thrown up my breakfast.
i have never seen anything like that it my gym experiences. all of the guys at my place are well-behaved. then again, i don't spend too much time in that area. just get in and get out.
although this has been the nastiest blog yet, it is definitely my favorite so far. you are a genius ... keep them coming!
This is horrific Leigh. I went to Lifetime for a shortwhile and barely set foot in the locker room. Thank god. The little Baptist in me doesn't walk around nekkid in locker's just not right.
I have to confirm your awful findings...I too am a member at Lifetime and have all to often been completely horrified by the sights (and sometimes sounds...yes, I said sounds) of the locker room. So gross!
well, i suppose if I'm going to drop my first comments on this DIVA blog, why not kick it off here. Most people don't grasp and follow simple etiquette - courtesy flushing, steaming/sauna without a towel (unless in Europe), walking around the locker room naked (why does it seem like these people try to see who is checking them out). My wife and I met this couple in Cabo that within 5 mins of a meet and greet over a ball game, told us about a brief sexual session on their honeymoon? Or others that take place both in and out of the locker room, biting finger/toe nails, picking the nose or a$$ and one that really gets me, taking a dump on an airplane...come on...really??
Glad to see you reached the end of the internet after all! Brief?!? Now you're just trying to be nice! Keep the comments coming!
Sadly, disturbingly, yes, I've seen women sit bare a$$ on the benches in the locker room.
I don't have any problem with locker room nudity, be it mine or other women. In fact at my gym you'd better be comfortable with nudity because the showers in the ladies locker room are group showers like in high school. So it's either shower after a workout or go to work a sweaty mess.
But please in the name of all that's good a decent, please put a towel down under you if your going to be sitting naked on one of the benches.
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