Today's pick for hottie of the week might come as a surprise and some may be shocked to learn that he's still alive and working in the entertainment industry after a slew of poor film choices in the 90's but I can assure you that Christian Slater has been anything but dull over the last 15 years. He has starred in over 40 movies and many Broadway plays but may have peaked to early in his career when he took on the role of Nick, Fred Savages older step-brother from The Wizard, why couldn't he just save Jenny from drowning?!? After that brilliant performance he made several hit or miss movies including Pump Up the Volume, one of my all time favorite movies Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves where he played the very sexy but troubled brother of Robin, Will Scarlett. Then there was Interview With a Vampire, Bed of Roses, and yet another horrendous action flick by John Travolta, Broken Arrow, which I'm ashamed to admit I actually saw in the theater! But enough about his movie career, his personal life is sooo much more interesting, he's a full fledged Hollywood bad boy! I had to cut and paste this excerpt from a bio on him,

"In 1989, he was arrested in West Hollywood for leading the police on a drunken car chase that ended when Slater crashed his car into a telephone pole. While trying to escape the car, he kicked a cop with his cowboy boot
(love how they describe the type of shoe he's wearing!!) and then attempted to flee over a fence
(apparantly he didn't quite make it all the way over). In 1994, he was arrested for taking a gun aboard a plane. In 1997, Slater was arrested for attacking his lover and
(this is the best part!) biting a police officer in the belly,
(the belly? seriously!? who tries to bite someones belly?!? Why not an ear or something easier to sink your teeth into?!?) while drinking heavily; he was sentenced to spend 90 days in a suburban jail in early 1998, all this just one day after his newest film, Hard Rain, premiered. Shortly after sentencing, Slater admitted that he had also been taking cocaine and heroin at the time. As part of his sentence, he had to serve post-jail time in a drug/alcohol rehab program and attend a year-long program on preventing domestic violence. How's that for keeping a low profile?
Physical Fitness: 3/10 Well there's a reason I didn't pick a picture of him shirtless...first of all he's like 4 ft tall and second I only found a few pics of him shirtless and while he's decently toned it's tough to focus on what's underneath all that hair!
Body of Work: 6/10: I'd like to give him an 11 for his staggering voiceover performance as Pips the fairy in the cartoon classic Ferngully: The Last Rainforest but he's totally inconsistent in the rest of his work. He's starred in some successful movies like Robin Hood, Bobby, Heathers and True Romance but he's also starred in several huge bombs such as Untamed Heart and Bed of Roses and Windtalkers.
Mental Stimulation: 2/10 Let's see, he's a wife beater, a former drug addict, he runs from the cops and really doesn't do anything noteworthy for charity or good causes...that's not exactly the type of mentally stimulating we're looking for.
Overall Hotness Factor: 11 - Ok, so maybe he's not our best pick yet but I caught the first half of My Own Worst Enemy on NBC and was definitely intrigued. It brought back moments of lust over Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and I thought maybe, just maybe he's still got time to wow us!
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