Thursday, October 30, 2008

Diary of a Newlywed...roomates

While Nick and I were off gallivanting in Chicago a few weeks ago, a good friend of ours, let's call him Dupree, temporarily moved into one of our guest rooms. He just started a job in the area and hasn't found an apartment yet so we offered to house him for a short while. Most people would call us crazy for taking on a roommate 4 months into married life and a mere 5 months after getting rid of Nick's last roommate but what can I say?...we're suckers and saints. We like to consider ourselves a very non-coupley couple, in fact Lisa is almost a constant third wheel at our house and we love having people around but it's a completely different animal living with two sports fanatics under one roof. Dupree is quickly becoming the "other woman" in my life and here I am only 12 days into our modern version of Three's Company and I am being pushed to the edge. I have seen the 9th circle of hell...and it's called ESPN Classic. Together Nick and Dupree connect nightly over football games of yesteryear. Michigan vs. Michigan state 1981, USC vs. UCLA 1987, and who can forget Ohio State vs. Michigan 24 - 12 from 1969! Good thing that one's on so we can watch it for the 48th time!

I'd like to think I'm an above average "sports wife". I commit nearly 12 Saturdays in a row every year to this and do I complain?!? NO!! Ok, well only when it's cold, hot, rainy, snowy etc...but still, I sport the women's jersey, I don the temporary Go Blue tatoo's on my face, I even stay in on Friday nights so we can be well-rested and alert for the game the next day!

Is it not enough that I happily watch college football Thursday and Friday nights and ALL DAY SATURDAY, then sit through the misery that is the Detroit Lions?!? Do we really have to resort to watching games from the 1970's on ESPN Classic and Big Ten Network the rest of the week?!? I'm losing my mind and my husband!I may just have to move back in with Lisa so I can at least catch up on important shows like Gossip Girl, The Hills, Entourage, etc...I'll keep you posted but someone's life may be in danger...

Am I alone on this or do other wives/girlfriends/sisters have to suffer through this as well?


Lisa said...

I'd just like to clarify "constant third wheel" for everyone. I'm not sure that is a fair label since I stopped driving by every night. Just because I happen to be in the neighborhood 5 nights a week doesn't mean it's "constant." Besides all that wine isn't going to drink itself. ;)

Marc said...

just be glad you weren't in the car on the way to the game last night ... ask nick.

The Iron Squirrel said...

Football season makes me hate my life. But then baseball seasons starts right up after. God...I hate sports. Deep cleansing breaths, deep cleansing breaths

The Iron Squirrel said...

Also, is it just me or is Sports Center just the same shit over, and over and over and over and over again? yes, it is. And its annoying. I had to put down rules when the boyf and I moved in together so I didn't tear my hair out at the mere sight of Chris Collingsworth (who I hate with a fire of a thousand suns) or that weird big black dude who is apparently missing an eye.