Friday, January 9, 2009

Working it out...signals crossed

Signals. We all send and receive them, sometime we misinterpret them, sometimes we practically invent them, as in the "I want you" eyes a person of the opposite sex is giving you from across the bar, yeah, sure they are. While it's hard to know for sure what signals someone you've never met is sending I think that I've got a good handle on what messages or vibes people are putting out at the gym. There are the girls that want to be watched so they work out in the smallest, tightest, outfits Lycra will afford them with a face of flawless makeup and their ponytails teased to perfection. Lord knows there is a never ending supply of guys who wear wife beater's, tank tops, or painted on underarmour with a 4 day a week tanning habit; they clearly love themselves. Then there's the serious athlete in running shorts, chafe-free tank top and top of the line shoes who is there for the sole purpose of shaving off seconds for an upcoming marathon. And then there's my personal favorite; the 40-55ish gentlemen who wear knit shorts that leave little to the imagination or sweat pants with the gathered bottom, a gold's gym tank top with chest hair curling out from the top and sides complete with weight belt and a gold chain. Many of them sport an amazing mustache as well! Then there are the people like me who are honestly there just to work up a good sweat, burn as many calories as possible, and tone up. I try to get in and out in less then 60-75 minutes and I prefer to do all of the above uninterrupted.

So, seeing as how I've been approached twice recently by two separate guys (this is not me bragging by the way!!), I'm trying to figure out exactly what I'm doing wrong here. Am I sending out the wrong signals or is it the guys who are choosing to ignore what I think are my blatant leave-me-alone vibes?? Readers, you be the judge!! I should start by setting the scene and in order to do that properly I must take some of the blame. On days when I'm going to lift weights, I try to remember to leave my wedding bands in my locker. My hands get swollen from all the cardio and it's can be annoying to have them grinding against the weights. So there I was on the stair climber, the ones with actual stairs instead of the pedals, with my ipod nano strapped on one arm and a gigantic book in my hands, (I like these stairclimbers because it's not much jostling and it's the only cardio machine I use where I can actually read while getting a really intense workout) when some guy, never caught his name, decided to get on the stairclimber right next to me. Mind you there were 12 empty ones in the rest of the row. He started up his program and after 20 seconds or so asked if I do the stairclimber often and if so, how long and on what level. I make a big motion of turning down my ipod and putting my finger in the book so that he knew he was interrupting me before answering his questions in a very friendly manner. Hey, I'm not a complete bitch, I'd just rather read and listen to my ipod then make chit chat while I'm doing cardio! He seemed satisfied with my answers so I made another big motion of turning my ipod back up and looking back down to find my page. Right when I found my place he looked over again and asked if I've ever been to the Novi Lifetime Fitness and pretty soon he'd asked me a dozen questions covering everything from what classes I attend here, if I drink regularly and what brand of vodka I prefer, what I do for fun, how much I weigh, how many times I work out a week, what bars I've been to, where I live and when he's really desperate and I've tried 5 times to go back to my book he comes up with, "so you shop at Costco?" "Huh?" I say, and I'm thinking to myself, did this guy really just ask if I shop at Costco? I looked at my ipod, book, and finally he pointed out that I have a Kirkland water bottle which is bought in big cases at Costco. Ah yes, we finally have something in common, we both have Costco memberships, maybe we're soul mates!!! When his 20 minutes were finally up, (thank God!), he asked if I was going to be done soon and if I was leaving right after. I told him I still had weights to do and that I'd see him around. I finished up the rest of my program and after returning my book to my locker headed over to the weight section and started on my usual routine. I'd passed by him on my way to a machine and given a friendly wave when I could tell he was about to ask something but I just kept on my way hoping the wave would suffice. I was on the bicep curl machine, literally halfway up my arm curl when he leaned over my back, close to my face to ask if the studio in front of us was doing Yoga. I mean seriously, I'm right in the middle of a frickin set, not only is this annoying because he won't leave me alone, but it's awful gym etiquette to interrupt someone in the middle of a weightlifting set! I mean take the hint already!! My headphones were clearly visible, did I really look like I wanted to chat while pumping iron?!? Ugh!! This was our last encounter because I finished the bicep machine and did a quick ab set on the mats before high-tailing it out of there. So on my way home I thought through every single signal he'd missed or misinterpretted to make him think I wanted to keep chatting. In retrospect I could have just said something about me and my husband right away to cut him off but isn't that kind of an A-hole move? Guys, at what point in an opening conversation is it appropriate to bring up the significant other without being rude?? And furthermore, was it me encouraging him by smiling and answering his questions or was he just stubbornly ignoring my earphones, book, and short answers?


Lisa said...

Gross...that just gives single people everywhere a horrible reputation. I don't get this whole trolling for singles thing...especially at a gym!

awesome said...

well, let's see, so much to comment on. First off, doesn't matter what your "vibe" is or what signals you're giving, or even if you are wearing a ring or not...gym dudes will ALWAYS find a way to try their skills out on a fine lookin gym lady. I've witnessed it too many times as a member and as a gym employee. It's part of what makes the gym experience so unique.