Wednesday, November 19, 2008

SP's winning streak!

I just have to take a minute to rave about one of my favorite shows right now...Southpark. There have been some great episodes this season and with only tonight's episode left until next Spring I thought I'd give a brief bio and try to win over all you haters. The twelfth season started off a on a high note with "The China Problem" episode in which half was dedicated to mocking the despicable new Indiana Jones movie in a way that can only be described as shocking if not a little disturbing. The episode features three of the main characters being haunted by scenes of Indy being raped by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas in a mockery of other movie rape scenes such as Deliverance. Rape is still disturbing even if it is in cartoon form but it definitely got the point across and I couldn't have agreed more with their take, they took a classic movie and exploited it and turned it into a parody of itself by adding new characters played by horrendous actors and an alien villain with a crystal skull, it was 2 hours of my life and $12.00 worth of popcorn and diet soda I'll never get back!!! After the first episode the season hit a bit of a slump, failing to capitalize on what I figured to be a wealth of material to mock since the last season ended, what with all the politics, Lindsey Lohan gone lesbo scandals, endless amounts of idiotic Britney Spears moments, etc.. so after a 2-part episode meant to mock the unsuccessful movie Cloverleaf we were all wondering what Matt and Trey were going to do for the election episode. For those of you who are not fans of the show and think Southpark is beneath you or too crude and immature, you're totally right but it's so genius!! If people could get over the crassness of the 4th graders pooping on the teacher's desk, evil villain's heads exploding regularly, and an entire episode about a record setting turd you'd be surprised at the brilliance behind those little cut-out characters! They have no biases when it comes to who they'll rip on...everything is fair game and if you've been offended at one point by them ripping on something you agree with give it another chance because they'll be sure to do an episode making fun of the opposition in the future.

If you're going to give any episode a chance, watch the election episode, "About Last Night" which is periodically being replayed on Comedy Central. In this instant classic of an episode Matt and Trey managed to turn around verbatim speeches of Palin, McCain, and Obama from just the night before and spin it into a spoof on Ocean's 11 where all of the political candidates work together to steal the "Hope" Diamond from the Smithsonian which can only be reached by the Presiden't secret Oval Office Tunnel. It is by far one of their most clever episodes and in between scenes of Sarah Palin scaling the ceiling of the museum they spoof Obama supporters by showing them partying until they puke their guts out because Obama says, "YES WE CAN" and because "everything's about to change" so they won't have to obey rules or need jobs anymore. At the same time they show McCain supporters rounding up supplies so they can stay safe in a bunker since the whole world will end if Obama wins. It's a hilarious portrayal of both sides and it's full of great Randy Marsh (see pic above) moments where every song turns into some kind of praise for Obama and where McCain supporters are killing themselves over the world ending. If there's an episode that can win you over it's this one so give it a chance! Lisa's even recently become a fan and she resisted for years!!

1 comment:

Leigh said...

No way, they're gonna try broadway!?!? That'd be amazing and what fantastic subject matter for a play!