Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Domestic Goddess

I made tacos for dinner. Why is this a blog-worthy event you might ask? Allow me to repeat: I made tacos for dinner! While this might seem like child's play to you, it's a major day in my culinary experience. Something has come over me lately and I really feel like stepping up my domestic game. Maybe it's my foray into online dating or maybe my body is finally rejecting those microwave meals...either way, it's happening. I can now add "tacos" to my long list of recipes (I'll just stick it right at the top, number 1). So were they edible?? Were they ever!

My taco adventure began at the grocery store this evening promptly after leaving the office. I braved the death-defying traffic in the Kroger parking lot, secured a cart with NO squeaking wheels, and took a deep breath. Grocery shopping is like going to the dentist for me, and I'm not exaggerating when I say I won't set foot in a Meijer for fear that I'll never make it out. So after searching the aisles for the essential products - shampoo, soy milk, Lean Cuisines on sale!!, yogurt, Parmesan Goldfish - I remembered that I was making tacos. I had to run over a few small children to get to the sour cream fridge before wheeling it allll the way back to the part of the store that I find the most intimidating, the most horrific, the most possibly disease-ridden...the meat cooler. To my pleasant surprise, they are actually grinding turkey meat into those little wormy looking strips...ground turkey hello. I have to grab the first turkey package I see and toss it into my cart before I have anymore flashbacks from "The Wall"...if you haven't seen it, then continue eating that ground meat in peace. Anyways, I bravely make it home with the new copy of Vogue and a strong determination to use my stove.

The meat browns nicely and, for the first time since I've lived here, my apartment actually smells like food. I set out the fancy china that I recently inherited from my mom (who bought it for a steal at an auction), and prepare my taco toppings. Now I ask you this, is lettuce really necessary? Is it really that crucial to have crunchy green tasteless lettuce on your tacos? The answer is no...mostly because I forgot to buy it, but also because it just doesn't serve a purpose...think about it. I wish I could tell you that I made some horrible mistakes tonight or that I'm currently writing this from the fire station after burning down my house, but it's just not true. I was a great success! I don't think it really matters that I used ALL of the seasoning for only HALF of the meat...sometimes I like extra salt. And if the shells were a tad brownish-black on one side, who's to blame except my over eager oven? The tacos were delicious. Up next...spaghetti!

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